What our Customers say...

Water Damage Testimonials

Thanks to the professionalism of Sam and Anastasia, I had complete confidence to go about my work day knowing everything would be taken care of.  Definitely Recommend!

Fred gave us great explanations and the team was on time every day like clockwork.  

You made short work of removing the water in my home and getting it all dried up. I’m very thankful to the work you did that kept me from having to rebuild. Amazing job. 

My ice maker line leak made a huge mess of my kitchen, but you could never tell now after you came in so quickly and fixed it up for me.

I am thankful for the quick work your company made of our leaky sink and the damage it left behind. I couldn’t have done it without you.

I asked my insurance adjuster if he could recommend a few contractors for the clean up from a backed-up sewer line,

and he said don't waste your time with any but SERVPRO of Seal Beach

It turned out to be good advice. I have not been disappointed.  Very professional.